I had a script which called /usr/bin/mail which was working under 
Ubuntu 15.10 (It called /usr/bin/mail.mailutils) but after upgrading to Ubuntu 
16.04 - it appears 
it was replaced with (as a default mailer) s-nail. 

This introduced the following issue: 

This command works to send an email:

    $cat /tmp/foobar | mail -s 'EXAMPLE SUBJECT' -a /path/to/file/to_attach.jpg 
-c ccem...@example.com origem...@example.com

But when I add that exact same  as a line to a bash file, e.g. 

    cat /tmp/foobar | mail -s 'EXAMPLE SUBJECT' -a /path/to/file/to_attach.jpg 
-c ccem...@example.com origem...@example.com

This script FAILS and returns the error: 

    Alert: "origem...@example.com" is not a user of this system. 

Here's the version of s-nail

    #dpkg --list | grep s-nail
    ii  s-nail       14.8.6-1      amd64      

Some things I've tried in the script to get it to work

    cat /tmp/foobar | mail -s 'EXAMPLE SUBJECT' -a /path/to/file/to_attach.jpg 
-r real_username -c ccem...@example.com origem...@example.com

    cat /tmp/foobar | mail -s 'EXAMPLE SUBJECT' -a /path/to/file/to_attach.jpg 
-A real_username -c ccem...@example.com origem...@example.com

But each time I get the same error

    Alert: "origem...@example.com" is not a user of this system. 

Is there a feature reason the command line execution would be different than 
calling this from a script or is this a bug? Is there a different
set of flags I need to call to get this to work from scripts instead of the 
command line? 

Thanks in advance, 

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