Mein Gott Walter,

Walter Alejandro Iglesias <> wrote:
 |Steffen Nurpmeso <> wrote:
 |>|> And sorry for not trying out your OpenBSD mailx patch,
 |>|That was just a newbie exercise.  If I were skilled in C to make of that
 |>|a patch I'd do more now than just reporting you the bug.
 |> Hmm.  A sane implementation would surely collect the entire line,
 |> and then work the entire line with the knowledge of what header we
 |> generate data for.  Only like that length limits can be satisfied
 |> and adhered to gracefully, only like that you can be sure that
 |> multibytes are not broke up.  But that not a problem on UTF-8 only
 |> OpenBSD, UTF-8 synchronizes itself since all trailing bytes have
 |> the high bit set.  S-nail does not yet to it like that.
 |Now that you mention openbsd mailx.  As a unix like tool, it's simple
 |and powerful since it lets you pipe.  The functionality that would let
 |it survive to today bloated, predictable, secure (accepted as "sane")
 |world is making it able to handle *any* header added by the user.  I

v14.9.0 can this, finally.  But there is so much to do, Walter.

 |One feature.  Of course judging in the context and functionality this
 |tool was intended for.  Context (today known as "off-topic") is


|Der Kragenbaer,                The moon bear,
|der holt sich munter           he cheerfully and one by one
|einen nach dem anderen runter  wa.ks himself off
|(By Robert Gernhardt)

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