SZÉPE Viktor <> wrote:
 |>|>|I'd like to see colorful messages.
 |>|> Only headers yet, sorry.
 |>|>|set PAGER=less
 |>|>|set colour-pager
 |>|>|Works only in v14.8.16 both with "less" and "more".
 |>|Still no colored headers in v14.9.3
 |>|environ set LESS=RXi
 |>|set PAGER=less
 |>|set colour-pager
 |>|v14.8.16 *has* colors.
 |>|Please advise.
 |> What does
 |>   ? colour *
 |> give you something, just in case you actually have installed
 |> `colour' settings for this mode?  Can it be that your terminal
 |> proposes "millions of colours"?  Then we either need to add a slot
 |> for "millions of colours" or reuse the slot for 256 for that.
 |Hallo Stefan!

Hello Mr. Grosics.

 |Thank you for your support.

I also was a goalkeeper.  Not on that level though.

 |? colour *
 |colour 256 mle-position  fg=202 ''
 |colour 256 mle-prompt    fg=red ''
 |colour iso mle-position  ft=reverse ''
 |colour iso mle-prompt    fg=red ''
 |colour mono mle-position  ft=reverse ''
 |colour mono mle-prompt    ft=bold ''
 |$ infocmp | grep colors#
 |         colors#256, it#8, ncv#22, pairs#32767,
 |$ echo $TERM
 |So only 256 colors.

I just looked at ncurses again and it seems that is the maximum,
anyway there is no higher one used.

 |termcap was already "Co#256"
 |No colors, even with TERM=xterm-color s-nail

But your prompt is red?!?  What am i missing, Viktor?  Have you
read the documentation, there is a shell snippet:

#!/bin/sh -
  fg() { printf "\033[38;5;${1}m($1)"; }
  bg() { printf "\033[48;5;${1}m($1)"; }
  while [ $i -lt 256 ]; do fg $i; i=$(($i + 1)); done
  printf "\033[0m\n"
  while [ $i -lt 256 ]; do bg $i; i=$(($i + 1)); done
  printf "\033[0m\n"

If this generates colours then ... Google says that putty has some
graphical (ugh!) menu for adjusting colours [1].  Does this help


 |But v14.8.16 works OK.

Terrible Viktor, we use the very same code except that we now
support 256 colours.  Maybe cramp to the ISO colour scheme,
-Stermcap=Co#8.  Does this help?  What is going on there?

A nice Sunday.

|Der Kragenbaer,                The moon bear,
|der holt sich munter           he cheerfully and one by one
|einen nach dem anderen runter  wa.ks himself off
|(By Robert Gernhardt)

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