> i wrote:
 >  |n...@cs.tufts.edu wrote:
 >  ||I am transitioning from heirloom mailx to s-mailx.  I have been using
 >  ...
 >  ||Sample lines from my .mailrc:
 >  ||
 >  ||  set replyall # doesn't work on cs
 >  |
 >  |Use "wysh set replyall # comment"
 > But wait.  Are you trying to say something, and if so, what?

I am trying to say that a comment command, instead of a lexical
comment convention, is well known to be bad language design (my day
job is teaching and research in programming languages), and is
moreover a regression from at least prior some prior versions of
Berkeley mail.  I consider such a regression poor design and
unjustified.  The particular command that appears to the left of the
would-be comment is not relevant.

Consider that the POSIX shell has not only the : command but also a
lexical comment convention, and it is the lexical comment that is used
overwhelmingly.  Consider that Tcl started out with only a comment
command, but, due to outcry from users, added a lexical comment
convention.  I am crying out now :-)

 > replyall is a command that i do not like

Sorry to have distracted you, but replyall is a distraction from the
argument I am trying to make.  The line shown is there only for the
purposes of reproducing the error.

The .mailrc file is a program in a language, if a simple one, and it
should be treated as such.  I am arguing that the language should
support comments in a standard way, that a comment command is 
not standard and would be a bad standard, and that I can see no
argument from usability that would justify it.

Sorry for the strong words, but after 31 years working on language
design and implementation, I feel strongly about such matters!


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