Hello Russell.

Please excuse the late reply!
(I am all alone here currently, with all the shopping and the food
for the animals, etc., that requires disturbing five hours a day!)

russellb...@gmail.com wrote in <201811280544.was5iwre003...@randytool.net>:
 | I fetched 2 messages from my POP server.
 | S  1 John Smith                     2018-11-27   90/4750  parasitic \
 | carnivora
 |>R  2 Letters, NYT                   2018-11-27  226/15863 Automated \
 |>Reply Re: ' He Says He Got Away With 90 Murders. Now He's Confessing \
 |>to Them All.'
 | I saved the first to JohnSmith (name changed to protect the
 | ? s1 JohnSmith [Appended] 4760 bytes
 |which worked properly.  When I tried to save the second to nytimes
 |(real name!)  I got:
 | ? s2 nytimes mailx: nytimes: Snorkeling on empty pipe
 | ERROR# ? errors
 |    1. nytimes: Snorkeling on empty pipe
 |and it didn't save.  I could save it to a different file name.  I
 |could open that file with mail and save it to nytimes.  I could open
 |nytimes.  The error seems to require both messages.  The word
 |Snorkeling does not appear in either.  Snorkeling is in nytimes, but

What you see is the S-nail specific errno(3) EPIPE error string;
the standard Linux string seems to be "Broken pipe" instead.
It is possibly a bad joke, though a historical one.  Hmmm.

 |not that phrase.  I switched from mailx 12.5 recently, when Slackware
 |upgraded to it.  
 | mailx v14.9.11, 2018-08-08 (build for linux)
 | Slackware, latest; kernel 4.19.4

Oh really!  Please let me assume it is only because of OpenSSL,
rather than because of the software as such, right?  :-)
The .SlackBuild script of Johannes Schöpfer is the most
complicated think i have ever seen!  I really had to think about
it, but luckily and successfully avoided that, then.

We are at Slackware, too!  Thank you, this is really nice!!
I did not even know that Slackware is still truly alive, but
i think: good that it is.

But note i do not read the NYTimes, i wildly guess it is also
owned by some billionaire who aids in generating truly independent
and good messages for the people ... or so.  Ah, and even from the
land of the friends of the american and canadian industrial
workers, i see: very brave of yours to mention _this_, or??
La cucaracha, la cucaracha, .......
That makes me think of Citizen Kane, so maybe that is not lost.

(But hopeless all that is, right, what will happen to all the
employees of the building sector when 3-D printing enters this
sector (wooden scyscrapers and such will likely not enter the
commercial mainstream, maximally educational or science sector me
thinks), what with agriculture etc.  In earlier times there were
at least public discurse and even Hollywood films which thematized
all that, but that has long vanished, too.)

 |russell bell
 --End of <201811280544.was5iwre003...@randytool.net>

russellb...@gmail.com wrote in <20181128013309.ghxzh%russellb...@gmail.com>:
 |If I make a mistake, the prompt turns into 'ERROR# ?'

This is actually a configurable compile-time option.  Because this
MUA is a command line based application error messages that show
up on standard error fly by unseen fast, and pretty often.  Thus
we offer this storage which can be reached with the `errors'
command, and where all errors are duplicated to, unless read once
with the `errors' command.

I mean, maybe we should offer some other, user-configurable
possibility instead (or use that if set), but i was really eager
to get something for the problem as such going, and was happy once
we had it, and thought for now this is good enough.  The software
has to change a lot, still!

Well, i hope you like the MUA a bit!  It still is very restricted,
and i am far from where i want to end up with it.  For example,
you cannot simply pass anything in via -t, and and and.
But i hope we go into the right direction, and are getting better!

 --End of <20181128013309.ghxzh%russellb...@gmail.com>


|Der Kragenbaer,                The moon bear,
|der holt sich munter           he cheerfully and one by one
|einen nach dem anderen runter  wa.ks himself off
|(By Robert Gernhardt)

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