wrote in <>:
 | I get this message:
 | MBOX mailbox contains non-conforming From_ line(s)! 
 | Message boundaries may have been falsely detected!
 | Setting variable *mbox-rfc4155* and reopen should improve the result.
 | If so, make changes permanent: "copy * SOME-FILE".  Then unset *mbox-rfc\
 | 4155*

There was another (partial) manual review already, and the manual
of the next release will state that the real healing requires the
v15 release rewrite: messages should be entirely recreated when
such a flaw is detected.  It (will) then depend(s) on the user
settings what this means.

 |when I read some of my mail archives.  I reviewed rfc4155.  I think my
 |>From lines conform.  For instance:

For now, when newly creating messages, we automatically choose
a MIME encoding to overcome the flow (by default quoted-printable,
but base64 is the other option).
We do not yet (again) support the old style way of simply
prepending the ^From with a >, as in ^'From' -> ^'>From', even
though the code is obviously there (since it is used to apply the
object of this thread).

I know especially UNIX old-hands and (other) english speaking
people dislike this MUA for this (one more reason), but ...
For me a mailbox is a database, and you need special software to
look into a database, anyway.
It is true, you cannot simply grep/zgrep/bzgrep/xzgrep/zstdgrep in
mailboxes generated by this MUA, but you will likely not be able
anyway: if you send messages with attachments, you get MIME, if
you talk with a person who speakes Unicode, you get MIME, if you
talk (with someone who) and use(s) S/MIME or OpenPGP, you get
MIME, and if you are subscribed to a list which uses the mailman
list manager, you likely get base64 encoded american english, and
thus you get MIME, too.
Conclusion: you need special software to look into a database.

(I mean, there may be MUAs which generate >From not MIME encoding
even for any of the mentioned, but then that becomes a subject to
a film by Woody Allen, imho.)
(And yes, i know we now have internationalised mail headers, so
subtract Unicode from the above at your will, Mr. Bell.)

 | From Sun Dec 9 10:52:33 MST 2018
 | Any hints about what's wrong with it?
 | I followed the instructions.  s-mailx prepended 42 (of 135
 |>From lines with a > , which made them part of the prior message.  For
 |instance, the lines from 2 consecutive messages:
 | From Fri Nov 16 10:24:25 MST 2018
 |>From Sat Dec 8 12:31:43 MST 2018
 | I get it!  The day-of-month is a single digit!  I just read
 |the man page for ctime (the authority rfc4155 cites): it returns
 |unpadded day-of-month.
 | J'accuse!

Le rue est grise et triste.

 |russell bell
 --End of <>

|Der Kragenbaer,                The moon bear,
|der holt sich munter           he cheerfully and one by one
|einen nach dem anderen runter  wa.ks himself off
|(By Robert Gernhardt)

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