Heya, list!

Well the release takes some more days, sorry for that.  I hope to
finalize coding tomorrow or so, but then i want to coverity and
run tests on several VMs, which is slow here, and NEWS etc. takes
some time.

But i am lucky that this MUA can be used to avoid sending messages
at 42!  Two weeks ago i had sent out a message at :42:42, and to
a lady, and so the time finally had come to do something against
it .. and it has saved me twice in the meantime.

  set on-compose-leave=on-compose-leave
  define on-compose-leave {
     \local set res m s
     # TODO use vexpr isodate or what
     \vput ! res date +'%M %S'
     \if [ $? -eq 0 ]
        \vput vexpr res trim-end $res
        \vput vexpr m substr ${res} 0 2
        \vput vexpr s substr ${res} 3
        \if [ $s == 42 ]
           \echo 'Second 42, sleeping a second'
           \sleep 1
           \xcall on-compose-leave
        \if [ $m == 42 ]
           \vput vexpr res - 10#$s 60
           \vput vexpr res - 0 $res
           \echo 'Minute 42, sleeping '$res' seconds'
           \sleep $res
           \xcall on-compose-leave

This is terrible, and i really would like to see that improved
with builtin support for date+time, and easier variable
assignment, almost as easy as in the shell.  v14.9.12 will bring
unary -, so that "- 0 $res" can then simply be "- $res".
But it works!  Never again 42!

Ciao from within Germany and an awakening Spring time!

|Der Kragenbaer,                The moon bear,
|der holt sich munter           he cheerfully and one by one
|einen nach dem anderen runter  wa.ks himself off
|(By Robert Gernhardt)

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