Hello Ralph Keller.

Ralph Keller wrote in <20190726100807.xyopw%20.kel...@use.startmail.com>:
 |I am trying to get s-nail-14.9.13 up and running. Looked through the \
 |documentation, but perhaps 
 |I am missing something. Please could you get back to me re the following \
 |issues? Thanks.
 |1) I did not manage to set subfolders in mailrc. With my setup, I’d need:
 |i) set inbox=+INBOX/kdato (+INBOX%2Fkdato in URL code); using quotes \
 |makes no difference
 |ii) set record=+Sent Messages/kdato (+Sent Messages%2Fkato); again, \
 |using quotes makes no 
 |difference. Setting subfolders, I get "(Currently no active mailbox)".
 |Ho can I set subfolders in mailrc?

I struggle myself with your "using quotes makes no difference".
But the above cannot work since in

  set record=+Sent Messages/kdato

you actually set record to "+Sent", and Messages/kdato to "".

  set record='+Sent Messages/kdato'

will instead set record to "+Sent Messages/kdato".
I also miss some context, deep directory trees should not cause
any harm, they did not last time i tried.  This worked for me last

  set folder=imaps://imap.gmail.com \
    record="+[Gmail]/Sent Mail"

Note that on IMAP the @ modifier is used.  Hmm, still works:

  #?0!0/NONE#1|st:imaps://x...@imap.gmail.com/INBOX? folders @
  #?0!0/NONE#1|st:imaps://x...@imap.gmail.com/INBOX? folders @[Gmail]/
  [Gmail]/All Mail
  [Gmail]/Sent Mail
  #?0!0/NONE#1|st:imaps://x...@imap.gmail.com/INBOX? Fi "@[Gmail]/Sent Mail"
  'imaps://x...@imap.gmail.com/[Gmail]/Sent Mail': 30 messages [Read-only]

You do not need URL encoding, only for user and password (and this
likely is a misconception of mine, that you need that i mean, but
i would not suggest using name and password in an URL (unless it
is written down in an encrypted resource file)).

 |2) Unrelated to 1), I get the following errors every time I read email \
 |on the server. 
 | 24. `bind': unknown or unsupported capability: kLFT3: :kLFT3
 | 25. `bind': unknown or unsupported capability: kRIT3: :kRIT3
 | 26. `bind': unknown or unsupported capability: kLFT5: :kLFT5
 | 27. `bind': unknown or unsupported capability: kRIT5: :kRIT5
 | 28. `bind': unknown or unsupported capability: kUP: :kUP
 | 29. `bind': unknown or unsupported capability: kDN: :kDN
 | 30. `bind': unknown or unsupported capability: kUP5: :kUP5
 | 31. `bind': unknown or unsupported capability: kDN5: :kDN5
 |They are not listed in s-nail's man page. Would this mean that they \
 |are not currently supported?

Yes, the terminal does not seem to support some cursor key
combinations.  That is, the termcap or terminfo description for
the terminal you use seems to be incomplete.  Quite normal,
i almost never see that this works out of the box.  When installed
the ncurses program infocmp will print that (incomplete) thing.

You can also overcome this by setting the missing entries via the
variable termcap, the manual FAQ entry "Not "defunctional", but
the editor key does not work" will tell you how (press the keys in
a terminal why cat -v is active), here i have in my ~/.s-mailrc:

      \if [ "$HOSTNAME" == kent ]
         \set termcap='kUP5=\E[1;5A,kDN5=\E[1;5B,\

The documentation for termcap (id #561 in the manual, as in
https://www.sdaoden.eu/code-nail.html#561) tells you a bit more.
You always start in verbose mode?

Hope this helps, ciao Ralph.

|Der Kragenbaer,                The moon bear,
|der holt sich munter           he cheerfully and one by one
|einen nach dem anderen runter  wa.ks himself off
|(By Robert Gernhardt)

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