Hello Paul.

Please be not angry, but i will not post this to the list.  This
topic came up so many times, here and there, also on the ML, even
more so in private, and all that can be said has been said so many

Paul W. Rankin wrote in
 |Thank you for s-nail, I've had a lot of fun getting it set up on
 |my console-only BSD laptop :)

Thank you, but so much to do with this software.  I hope it was
not too hard, i remember that i was truly desperately fighting
with FreeBSD's Mail over twenty years.  Luckily there was the
"Mail user manual", as it was a BSD!  ("emptystart".)
And nice, as there is no pkgsrc package unless i am mistaken.
But building on NetBSD should really only be one make(1) call

 |In s-nail(1) section IMAP CLIENT it says that IMAP client support
 |will vanish with v15; does this mean that any account that uses
 |imap:// or imaps:// will die? e.g. this is from my .mailrc:

Well it, shall i make it, is exactly as stated in the manual.

 |account pm {
 |        set user=x...@xxx.com
 |        set folder=imaps://imap.purelymail.com record=+Sent
 |        set inbox=imaps://imap.purelymail.com/INBOX
 |        set from='"Paul W. Rankin" <x...@xxx.com>'
 |        set imap-cache=~/.cache/mail
 |        set mta=smtps://smtp.purelymail.com

Friendly NetBSD, where /etc/services includes the non-standard
smtps port; you could instead use submissions, which should work
Note the problem with *folder* being set to any network protocol
is that you may see mess when you have a bad network connection,
because error recovery is bad.  It is not that bad with IMAP when
you have an enabled cache, though.  It is not catastrophic, just
messages may fly by like grazy.

 |Will I need to stop using s-nail? :(
 |If so, can you recommend another BSD mailx client for IMAP?

This would be yes and no, then.  There will be a v14.10, surely
with some v14.10.X updates, first, i hope i can release it by
autumn, i am so totally busy with other things that the mailer is
a bit off at the moment.  Or at least those things which i really
want to see in v14.10.

|Der Kragenbaer,                The moon bear,
|der holt sich munter           he cheerfully and one by one
|einen nach dem anderen runter  wa.ks himself off
|(By Robert Gernhardt)

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