Steffen Nurpmeso wrote in
 |Stephen Isard wrote in
 | <>:
 ||Rogue email messages seem a rather trivial worry in comparison.  But I 
 ||have received one, with structure
 ||Content-Type: multipart/related
 ||         Content-Type: multipart/alternative
 ||                 Content-Type text/html (the actual message)
 ||         Content-Type: image/png (Corporate logo)
 ||         Content-Type: text/plain (Corporate signature)
 ||mimeview, s-nail offers to display the logo and does so correctly, but 
 ||it doesn't offer to display the html.  I can get the html displayed with
 |`mimeview', hmm, well, it is a text/ thing, it of course
 |interferes with the above.  It will simply call the handler
 |otherwise :-(  I think better it would be if it would also ask
 |whether it should run it.

With credit to you, `mimeview' will in the future also ask for
whether any text/* thing should be displayed, instead of simply
invoking the pipe- or mailcap handler for it.  (This only for
non-"copiousoutput" handlers, as those will be integrated into the
normal `type' display anyway ... occasionally if rich output is
chosen, at least.  Other mailers allow for much better choosing,
resorting etc., we not yet.  Sorry!)

Ciao and good night from Germany!!

|Der Kragenbaer,                The moon bear,
|der holt sich munter           he cheerfully and one by one
|einen nach dem anderen runter  wa.ks himself off
|(By Robert Gernhardt)

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