On 10/07/2014 04:41 AM, Sven Martin wrote:
> I have an Amazon S3 bucket mounted on an Ubuntu 14.04 server, which
> serves as my ownCloud server (EFSS). This bucket is configured as the
> data location for ownCloud. So all the users' files end up here.
> What is the best way to:
> - backup this mounted S3 bucket

I'd suggest following the steps described at

> - restore this backup in the event of data loss

You can just mount the file system and copy everything back using cp,
rsync or (for slightly better performance), pcp.py

> Remark:
> I have installed S3QL using these instructions
> https://bitbucket.org/nikratio/s3ql/wiki/installation_ubuntu. I do not
> see the /contrib folder anywhere.

Did you look at /usr/share/doc/s3ql/README.Debian?

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