Hi all,

I've setup a virtual file system using Sabredav which works great. I've got 
all the reads, writes, moves, auth etc working via the database however I'd 
like be able to do 2 more things, which I think are along the same lines:

1) In Windows when the drive is mounted using NetDrive, it shows used and 
total space on the drive icon. This by default is 1TB. I'd like to control 
this so I can set this to whatever space the user has. I've found 
{DAV:}quota-used-bytes & {DAV:}quota-available-bytes properties, but how 
can I set them? I assume they need set on the root node.

2) A user may only have read only access so I'd like to set all files and 
directories with a ro property. I currently have a check on each of the 
sabredav write functions (put, setName, delete etc) which returns a 
Forbidden Exception, however Windows doesn't handle it very quickly. If I 
can set each file as read only then windows should handle it better. The 
read only property I've found is {DAV:}isreadonly.

Some example code so you can see the general structure. I've removed 
anything which isn't relevant.

class virtualFile extends \Sabre\DAV\File
    public $fileObj;

    function __construct($fileObj)
        $this->fileObj = $fileObj;

    function getName()
        return $this->fileObj->originalFilename;

    // call on an edit or file creation (after createFile)
    function put($data)
        // check for rw access
        // [removed code]...

    function get()
        // [removed code]...

    function getSize()
        return $this->fileObj->fileSize;

    function setName($newName)
        // check for rw access
        // [removed code]...

    function getContentType()
        return $this->fileObj->fileType;

    function getLastModified()
        return strtotime($this->fileObj->uploadedDate);

    public function getETag()
        if (strlen($this->fileObj->fileHash))
            return '"' . time() . $this->fileObj->fileHash . '"';

        return null;

    public function delete()
        // check for rw access
        // [removed code]...

class virtualCollection extends Sabre\DAV\Collection

    public $folderObj;
    private $userId = null;

    function __construct($folderObj = null)
        // [removed code]...

    function getChildren()
        // [removed code]...

    function getFileChild($fileObj)
        // [removed code]...

    function getFolderChild($folderObj)
        // [removed code]...

    function createDirectory($folderName)
        // check for rw access
        // [removed code]...

    function getName()
        return $this->folderObj->folderName;

    function setName($newName)
        // check for rw access
        // [removed code]...

    function getLastModified()
        return time();

    public function delete()
        // check for rw access
        // [removed code]...

    public function createFile($name, $data = null)
        // check for rw access
        // [removed code]...


// root node
$rootNode = new \virtualCollection(null);

// use our own object tree for better performance and data retention, i.e. 
for moves, copy etc.
$virtualRootNode = new \virtualObjectTree($rootNode);

// the rootNode needs to be passed to the server object
$server = new DAV\Server($virtualRootNode);

// create base url
$url     = 'www.someserver.com/dav/index.php';

// set base path

// make sure there is a 'data' directory, writable by the server. This 
directory is used to store information about locks
$lockBackend = new DAV\Locks\Backend\File('/tmp/data.dat');
$lockPlugin  = new DAV\Locks\Plugin($lockBackend);

// start

Thanks in advance,

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