Hi Evert,

Thanks for your answer (and this wonderful software).

Scheduling is defined in this RFC:
> https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc6638 
> <https://www.google.com/url?q=https%3A%2F%2Ftools.ietf.org%2Fhtml%2Frfc6638&sa=D&sntz=1&usg=AFQjCNHw_HziOgsZBuCWmv_5h3wCnrcmrQ>
> It relies greatly on this specification as well:
> https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc5546
> While we don't support everything described in those 211 pages, we support 
> a large portion of it. I'd suggest to skim it a bit to get an idea of what 
> scheduling is, and if you have more specific questions let me know!

I have red those RFCs but I still don't understand the complete picture. 
Here's what I have understand so far:

RFC5546 describes iTIP-message and how they can be used by calendar users 
to inform other calendar users. iTIP-messages seem to be ICS-files that 
fulfill additional restrictions and these messages are exchanged mostly 
between organizers and attendees.

Without Caldav auto-scheduling iTIP-messages are exchanges via email so 
your calendar-application must be able to send emails and your 
email-application must be able to store data from ics-attachments into to 
your calendar system.

RFC6638 seems to specify how iTIP-messages can be exchanges directly 
between two calendar-users if they are using the same CalDAV-server. In 
particular iTIP-messages from a sending calendar user will be stored 
directly into the inbox of the receiving calendar user.

If that was true, auto-scheduling would require a calendar-application 
which has the additional functionality to display the contents an inbox and 
let the user decide wether to accept or decline the invitation. Is that 
correct? And if yes - which calendar-application has such functionality?

Does auto-scheduling makes sense if the calendar-application is 
Thunderbird/Lightning or Outlook/CalDavSynchronizer?

Kind regards


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