Dear all, 
I am running Sage Version 4.8 with combinat compiled 3 days ago.
I was trying to compute the class of extended B-matices for the principal
coefficients cluster algebra of type $E_8$ and I got the following error.

        sage: S=ClusterSeed(['E',8])
        sage: T=S.principal_extension()
        sage: T.b_matrix_class()                                                
        IndexError                                Traceback (most recent call 
        /home/plutone/staff/stella/sage-4.8/<ipython console> in <module>()
 in b_matrix_class(self, depth, up_to_equivalence)
           1474             assert self.is_mutation_finite(), 'The B-matrix 
class can - for infinite mutation types - only be computed up to a given depth'
        -> 1476         return [ M for M in self.b_matrix_class_iter( 
depth=depth, up_to_equivalence=up_to_equivalence ) ]
           1478     def variable_class_iter(self, depth=infinity, 
 in b_matrix_class_iter(self, depth, up_to_equivalence)
           1450         """
           1451         Q = self.quiver()
        -> 1452         for M in Q.mutation_class_iter( depth=depth, 
up_to_equivalence=up_to_equivalence, data_type='matrix' ):
           1453             yield M
 in mutation_class_iter(self, depth, show_depth, return_paths, data_type, 
up_to_equivalence, sink_source)
            917         dg = DiGraph( self._digraph )
            918         MC_iter = _mutation_class_iter( dg, self._n, self._m, 
depth=depth, return_dig6=return_dig6, show_depth=show_depth, 
up_to_equivalence=up_to_equivalence, sink_source=sink_source )
        --> 919         for data in MC_iter:
            920             if data_type == "quiver":
            921                 Q = Quiver( data[0] )
 in _mutation_class_iter(dg, n, m, depth, return_dig6, show_depth, 
up_to_equivalence, sink_source)
            167     nr_mutations = 1
            168     if up_to_equivalence:
        --> 169         iso, orbits = _dg_canonical_form( dg, n, m )
            170         iso_inv = dict( (iso[a],a) for a in iso )
 in _dg_canonical_form(dg, n, m)
            143         if v >= n:
            144             del iso[v]
        --> 145             v1,v2,label1 = [ edge for edge in 
dg._backend.iterator_in_edges([v],True) ][0]
            146             w1,w2,label2 = [ edge for edge in 
dg._backend.iterator_out_edges([v],True) ][0]
            147             dg._backend.del_edge(v1,v2,label1,True)
        IndexError: list index out of range

The same error reproduces in may other cases of principal extensions. Is
there some issue with dg._backend.iterator_in_edges for rectangular matrices? 
Adding the flag up_to_equivalence=False to b_matrix_class I get the expected
answer (I assume this flag prevent _dg_canonical_form from running) but my
hardware is too small to handle the case $E_8$ without the reduction up to
Is there any workaround for this problem?

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