In sage-5.5.beta0 some stuff was merged that is supposed to speed 
up WeylCharacterRing, but I noticed the following taking forever now:

sage: A3 = WeylCharacterRing('A3', style='coroots')
sage: A3 = WeylCharacterRing('A3', style='coroots')
sage: A4(1,0,0,0,0).branch(A3)   # takes forever

No answer is returned within reasonable time.

If I omit the coroots style or explicitly specify the branching rule, the 
result is returned immediately:

sage: A4(1,0,0,0,0).branch(A3, rule='levi')
A3(0,0,0) + A3(1,0,0)
sage: A4 = WeylCharacterRing('A4')
sage: A3 = WeylCharacterRing('A3')
sage: A4(1,0,0,0,0).branch(A3)
A3(1,0,0,0) + A3(0,0,0,0)

Is it my fault for assuming that the default branching rule is the obvious? 
This worked fine in sage 5.4.

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