Okay, I looked into the issue. In the top version from Singular of the
repository now has a not yet fully tested polynomial arithmetic for Z/
n with the following functions:

1) +, -, * of polynomials and numbers
2) where possible / and inverses of numbers (polynomials by monomials
just a matter of a few adaptions)
    (div by zero divisors is allowed, as long as possible)
3) gcd, lcm of numbers (in Z/n)

Uses the same API as arithmetic for polynomials over fields. If
somebody has access to the repository version, you need to compile
Singular with


in mod2.h. You can use the new coefficients with:

ring r = (modnat, 200), x, dp;
==> Z/200[x]
ring r = (modpow, 2, 13), x, dp;
==> Z/2^13[x]

... Oliver

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