Man, typed faster than I read.  There's no free lunch.  Or polytopes.  
Regardless, YafRay is more promising than I originally thought.  If only we 
could get John Stone to work with the YafRay people.  His parallelism & round 
objects with their beautiful textures & meshes...

On Tue, 29 May 2007 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> Ah HAH!  "YafRay currently supports only Mesh Objects"
> No wonder I couldn't find the documentation to render a sphere.  What would 
> Ford say?  "They can render any kind of object that they like, so long as 
> they like mesh objects..."
> That's OK with me.  Spheres are for wimps anyway.  I went through hell to get 
> tachyon to faithfully line the triangles up.  As much effort Josh and I put 
> into that code, I wouldn't mind seeing it go.  There are *much* better 
> algorithms than what we came up with; since they need only deal with meshes 
> directly and never the triangles.
> Also.  I take back what I said about the documentation sucking.  I'd assumed 
> that people were making pretty pictures of marbles with sphere objects, and 
> decided that the lack of sphere documentation sucked.  Their feature count 
> leaves a bit to be desired -- but the feature that they do have seems do be 
> plenty well documented.
> Oooh!  And we get 3d polytopes for free, too!  This is gonna rock.  I can't 
> wait 'till finals are over.
> On Tue, 29 May 2007, Michel wrote:
>> Here is a bit of documentation for Yafray.
>> I have never
>> actually used it. My only experience with raytracing is Povray
>> which is great but has the wrong license (although that is
>> supposed to change in v4.0)
>> Michel
>> On May 29, 5:08 pm, "William Stein" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>> On 5/29/07, Michel <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>>> There is also Yafray. It is used as one of the rendering engines by
>>>> blender and
>>>> seems to be very good. Look here
>>> It looks great, and has a great license.  I made a SAGE
>>> package for it too.  If you do
>>>     ./sage -i yafray-0.0.9
>>> it should build yafray for you (I made an experimental package).
>>> But it's a strange system to understand --
>>> there doesn't seem to be much in the way
>>> of documentation, and doing something as simple as drawing a sphere
>>> seems really hard. (??)  It uses xml and is used as a raytracing plugin
>>> for blender. It's actively developed.
>>> Anyway, I'm looking for a GPL-compatibly licensed replacement for
>>> Tachyon3d, whose license is -- unfortunately -- not GPL compatible.
>>> --
>>> Tom remarked: "It looks very pretty.  Their documentation sucks.  To
>>> figure out their scene description language, it would appear that we'd
>>> have to reverse-engineer it from Blender output."
>>>> and scroll down a bit to "External renderers".
>>>> I *think* Yafray only has meshes so sage would have to create
>>>> the geometric objects like spheres etc..., presumably not a big deal.
>>>> For function plotting meshes are ideal.
>>>> Michel
>>>> On May 29, 12:33 am, "William Stein" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>>>> On 5/28/07, Robert Bradshaw <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>>>> > I'm just glad those are the only two sticky issues. I think we're
>>>>> > fine with jsmath, as you said it's not linked--just distributed and
>>>>> > run (separately) on the user's browser. We don't have to place
>>>>> > license restrictions on the browser...
>>>>> Yep, that should be fine.
>>>>> > Hopefully the author of Tachyon gets back to us--I would be surprised
>>>>> > if he didn't free it up.
>>>>> The problem is that he's never responded to any
>>>>> email I've ever sent him.  I suggest we wait a few days,
>>>>> and if he doesn't response then:
>>>>>   (1) people on sage-devel who really like Tachyon could
>>>>> write their own emails to him asking in their own words
>>>>> that he consider removing the obnoxious licensing clause,
>>>>> and ,
>>>>>   (2) we try even hard to figure out if distributing Tachyon with
>>>>> SAGE is actually a copyright violation.  It's not completely
>>>>> 100% crystal clear to me, since SAGE does no C library linking
>>>>> with Tachyon. And fortunately the Tachyon license is the BSD
>>>>> license (not something like the lame gnuplot license), so
>>>>> it's not restrictive. That said, we very well might want to do some
>>>>> C library linking with Tachyon in the future, and it would be very
>>>>> bad to not have this option.
>>>>> --
>>>>> William Stein
>>>>> Associate Professor of Mathematics
>>>>> University of Washington
>>> --
>>> William Stein
>>> Associate Professor of Mathematics
>>> University of Washington
> >

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