Thanks, I had forgot about that sort of thing and  it might work. I'm
not sure because some of the libraries linked in are static.

 My python module links against libsuperlu.a  which  is static which
links against libblas. Because
libsuperlu.a is static I'm not sure whether the static or dynamic
version of libblas is linked against.

A followup question. I want to find the exact name of the function
that calls exit, however I can't figure
out how to make gdb tell me that because the program doesn't crash it
exits normally. Anyone know a way
to find the name of the last function called before a program exits.

On Jun 5, 12:18 am, Nick Alexander <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Michel <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> > At the risk of saying something really stupid (as I am relatively
> > clueless
> > in the matter) seems LD_PRELOAD is often used
> > to achieve the effect you want.
> The same thought crossed my mind, but not wanting to do the followup
> reading I kept my mouth shut :)
> Nick

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