On Jun 5, 2007, at 10:55 AM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

>>> sage: maxima('%s' % (repr(x^2+1),))
>>> x^2+1
>>> sage: maxima('%s' % (x^2+1,))
>>> .... This hangs because of the \t
>>> From my background, you would expect the canonical string  
>>> conversion to
>>> naturally work.  I use the % operator on strings a great deal so  
>>> I want
>>> str(object) to nicely to embed strings, but clearly the author of  
>>> __str__
>>> doesn't use it so much -- maybe I'm unique in this.
> use %r to get the repr, %s gets the pretty string.
> sage: maxima('%r' % (x^2+1,))
> x^2+1

I have found the multi-line notion of str() odd too for this reason.  
I did not know about the "%r" command though (as it looks like few  
others did)

$ grep -r "%s" sage | wc -l
$ grep -r "%s" sage | grep -v repr | wc -l
$ grep -r "%r" sage | wc -l

Perhaps this should be changed to be more inline with python standards.

- Robert

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