
Thanks, Matthias and Samuel.

On Thursday, March 25, 2021 at 2:02:28 PM UTC-5 Matthias Koeppe wrote:

> Sage 9.2 does not support building from source on macOS Big Sur. 
> Use the 9.3 release candidate. 
> On Thursday, March 25, 2021 at 10:26:41 AM UTC-7 wrote:
>> Thanks Samuel,
>> My plan was to build the master branch first. Is that a bad idea? (My 
>> reasoning was that it's been a long, long while since I've compiled from 
>> source.)
>> My VERSION.txt file says:
>> SageMath version 9.2, Release Date: 2020-10-24
>> I followed the steps you mentioned above (except starting from master 
>> branch).
>> Build seems to have stopped at the same point (cython 0.29.21). I'm 
>> including the new log file for this, as well as the config.log and 
>> brew-list-versions.txt files you request.
>> On Thursday, March 25, 2021 at 12:22:00 AM UTC-5 Samuel Lelievre wrote:
>>> What commands did you run? Were you building the
>>> latest development version (Sage 9.3.rc0)?
>>> Here are the commands I would run to upgrade.
>>> Update Homebrew index, check which packages
>>> are outdated, and upgrade.
>>> ```
>>> $ brew update
>>> $ brew outdated
>>> $ brew upgrade
>>> ```
>>> Change to the Sage installation folder
>>> and get  the latest develop branch.
>>> ```
>>> $ cd $(sage -c 'print(SAGE_ROOT)') && pwd
>>> $ git checkout develop -q
>>> $ git pull origin develop -q && git branch -vv
>>> ```
>>> Recall the number of processors of your Mac:
>>> ```
>>> $ sysctl -n hw.ncpu
>>> ```
>>> Choose how many jobs to run in parallel;
>>> for instance, to run 8 jobs at once:
>>> ```
>>> $ MAKE='make -j8'
>>> ```
>>> Set to use the Homebrew build environment,
>>> then bootstrap, configure and make.
>>> ```
>>> $ source .homebrew-build-env
>>> $ ./bootstrap -q && ./configure -q
>>> $ make -s V=0
>>> ```
>>> (Optionally, don't use the quiet (`-q`) flag for the
>>> configure step, and follow its final suggestions
>>> in order to install more recommended packages.)
>>> Optionally, run tests:
>>> ```
>>> $ make -s V=0 ptestlong
>>> ```
>>> Then report back. If the build fails, the file `config.log`
>>> and log files for packages that fail to build will be useful
>>> so ideally give access to them. I do that by uploading them
>>> somewhere in compressed form and sending a link;
>>> others prefer to attach files when emailing the list.
>>> One way to include Homebrew package version info
>>> is to include the file obtained by running:
>>> ```
>>> $ brew list --versions > brew-list-versions.txt
>>> ```

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