On Wed, 2022-04-13 at 19:36 -0700, ph h wrote:
> Dear All,
> At the top of 'sage/src/bin/sage' script:
> <quote>
> # WARNING: this function is copy/pasted from both src/bin/sage-env and
> # the top-level "sage" script. Please keep them synchronized.
> resolvelinks() {
> </quote>
> Is there any other way to keep them in sync without using Copy&Paste?

I think I'm at least partly responsible for that. There are a few ways
we could de-duplicate those scripts, but it's not clear that any of
them are less complex or easier to maintain than copy/paste for now.

Personally, I would rather see the time spent investigating whether or
not we truly need the symlink-free path in the instances where
resolvelinks() is currently used. I would guess not -- that there is a
better solution to whatever other problem prompted the resolvelinks()
function. But I don't know what that problem was. And to remove the
function and "see what happens" would be committing yourself to
answering bug reports from weird sage installs for the next twelve

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