Hi everyone,
   On ticket #30423 <https://trac.sagemath.org/ticket/30423>, Dan, Willie, 
and I have been working on a parallel-computation based implementation for 
computing F-matrices that are used in math physics. However, we have been 
seeing some doctest failures sporadically that involve segfaults and 
linked-list corruption from (cy)PARI. Here are the logs from testing with 
the first and the last having full tracebacks.


The first question would be if anyone has an idea about what is causing 
this. I have this impression that PARI is thread-safe, but I am wondering 
if cypari is also thread/parallel-safe or if there are any specific things 
that we should be careful about. (We’ve already had to work around a 
pickling issue with polynomials IIRC.)

Second question is that because this is a Heisenbug and I suspect it is 
something upstream (and so far, nobody has been able to reproducing it 
during an interactive version of Sage), I was wondering what the policy 
would be for merging the ticket. I recall in the past that we have merged 
tickets with Heisenbugs with followup tickets noting the behavior, but I am 
not 100% sure about that (and I wouldn’t necessarily know how to find any 
explicit examples). I was wondering if we could merge the ticket in an 
early beta version so that many people/systems can test it to see if it 
becomes more reproducible; of course this is assuming that the build bots 
are not consistent in reproducing this. Should we just mark any offending 
test(s) as “# known bug” and is there some general policy about this?


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