On Tue, 13 Sep 2022, 04:39 'Travis Scrimshaw' via sage-devel, <
sage-devel@googlegroups.com> wrote:

> First off, we need to slow down significantly as we do not have an general
> clear consensus about doing this move. A few people are yelling we should
> move to GH, and a lot of the same people are acting like has been decided
> when it has not. We should make a formal vote once a more concrete proposal
> has been placed forward.
Even setting aside the immediate operational problems with trac, which are
lingering on for about 3 weeks now, with no end in sight, we still have to

I don't think we need a formal vote.
Holding it is akin to voting on whether to stay 32-bit, or move to 64-bit...

Yes, we have some people saying they prefer to stay on trac, but we don't
have resources to stay on trac. And trac, as a project, is going away by
itself. It is a bug, essentially, that we are still on trac.
Do we need a vote to fix a bug, or not? I think we don't.


> On Tuesday, September 13, 2022 at 4:36:04 AM UTC+9 Matthias Koeppe wrote:
>> On Saturday, September 10, 2022 at 7:39:10 AM UTC-7 Travis Scrimshaw
>> wrote:
>>> [........] There are lots of technical issues and questions I have that
>>>> [I cannot] easily find after skimming through things for a few minutes.
>> Everything about GitHub has excellent documentation, and we have an
>> executive summary now at
>> https://github.com/sagemath/sage/wiki/migration-from-trac-to-Git**b,
>> with pointers to the relevant bits.
> This is still does not contain much of any details about the collaboration
> process. It is basically contains the simple single-author--single-reviewer
> model (that is easy to find) and a thesaurus of terms.
> What happens when Bob works on a ticket, but then stops (say, it doesn't
> find a reviewer in time). Now Alice wants to make changes on top of that
> branch. How does Alice do that? I am particularly thinking about when this
> is *not* meant to be a PR review commit (say, it is working with a more
> substantial change or just cherry-picking some of the commits). When she is
> done, does she do a new PR? After doing quite a bit of digging, I finally
> found the answer:
> https://docs.github.com/en/pull-requests/collaborating-with-pull-requests/reviewing-changes-in-pull-requests/checking-out-pull-requests-locally
> So there is a mechanism for it, but it is not as straightforward as
> before. How do we deal with the PR pollution?
>>> It stays there even if the user GitHub account is closed (the latter
>>>> triggers an automatic closure of the PR, but the underlying
>>>> branch remains in the repo, it can be worked on just the same using git)
>>> Which repo? Either way, this seems like a regression compared to our
>>> current setup, where if a user quits, then branch, ticket, and everything
>>> remains.
>> No, this is an imaginary problem. The branch of the pull request persists
>> in the sagemath repo (see
>> https://github.com/sagemath/sage/wiki/migration-from-trac-to-Git**b,
>> which explains the name of the branch) even if the user and their repo
>> disappears.
> Okay, thanks. The extra information clarifies things.
>> Getting the login credentials was the biggest barrier; everything else is
>>>>> mostly straightforward and based on very simple git commands.
>>>>> Right now, I find there are way too many practical questions and
>>>>> barriers for how we develop that make moving to Git**b a much bigger pain
>>>>> that people will think it is.
>>>> Travis, many people nowadays never used git without GitHub or GitLab.
>>>> For such a person it's a major pain to
>>>> learn our workflow.
>>> Do you really believe that everyone is using the web interface to make
>>> edits to the code and not using some form of git locally (either command
>>> line or GUI based)?
>> The web interface has major problems, such as not being able to run tests
>>> locally, in addition to being unwieldy with a project on the scale of Sage.
>>> Honestly, people really don't use "git pull", "git push", "git commit" when
>>> working with *Git*hub?
>> Nothing like this is being proposed. No, GitHub is not a replacement for
>> git. Yes, you will continue to use git commands to pull, push, commit.
>> But people nowadays who start with GitHub never have to go through
>> archaic setup steps such as those that we document at
>> https://doc.sagemath.org/html/en/developer/trac.html#trac-authentication-through-ssh,
>> which --- even when it is working --- is major friction for the project.
> I think it has been just far too long since you uploaded your ssh key to
> GH. The server cannot magically know your ssh public key. Yes, we don't
> have https support, but other than the most casual of contributors will use
> that for push/pull. I highly doubt anyone will use that feature with any
> serious commits.
> It seems like there are just as many one-time setup costs needing to be
> done from the proposal document that require more explanation of what they
> do. I think you are making a distinction without a difference here.
>> And people can use modern IDEs, in particular VS Code, which have
>> excellent integration with GitHub: see for example
>> https://code.visualstudio.com/docs/editor/github
> This is a good reason for switching (not that I use any of them).
>> And yes, there's also a command-line interface to GitHub, see
>> https://trac.sagemath.org/ticket/34523, which does everything that "git
>> trac" can do and much more.
> That isn't a good argument for me: I have always wanted to throw fire and
> holy water on those commands. ;) However, they did make it easier for
> people who were afraid to do https://imgs.xkcd.com/comics/git_2x.png.
>>> You need much more of a plan than simply saying "its easy because other
>>> people use it".
>> Available now at
>> https://github.com/sagemath/sage/wiki/migration-from-trac-to-Git**b
>> Thank you.
> The downside (that will always remain to me) with GH/GL is anything with
> their web interface is highly decentralized, whereas with trac, things are
> highly concentrated on tickets, which are a single point of reference.
> Using the GH/GL model, we have all of these forks (which we have to tell
> newbies are not the same as branches and should not be used as such). There
> is also more manual things we have to type and sync subject to human (typo)
> error. This is likely manageable to me compared to some of the other
> benefits (although I will personally experience none of those). Despite
> this, I still have reservations about the increased pains of development
> from trying to fit a mostly square peg into a round hole, and subsequently
> am still opposed to the move (even assuming you are able to move the
> information on trac over).
> Best,
> Travis
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