On Tue, Sep 13, 2022 at 6:25 AM TB <mathze...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Somewhere in this thread, or in a related thread, the trac backups were 
> mentioned. It reminded me of the the incident
> https://www.asmeurer.com/blog/posts/the-sympy-hackerrank-dmca-incident/
> where SymPy was wrongfully accused of a copyright violation, and got their 
> docs repo and docs website taken down by GitHub. The issue was resolved, and 
> for more details the above post by Aaron Meurer is a recommended reading. One 
> hint I got from this is that any plan to migrate to a new platform should 
> include a plan to migrate out of this platform.

Thanks for posting this fascinating blog post.  It's interesting that
their conclusion was:  "I do feel that being on a site like GitHub is
still preferable to something like self-hosting.  If you self-host,
you become responsible for a ton of things which GitHub does for you,
like making sure everything stays online, handling servers, and
managing spam. Also, self-hosting does not magically shield you from
legal threats. If you self-host content that infringes on someone’s
copyright, you are still legally liable for hosting that content."

It's also worrisome as you point out that they say "I have been
looking into effective
ways to backup this data [all GitHub issues and pull request history].
If anyone has any
suggestions here, please let me know in the comments."

A google search leads to this page that has three solutions:


One of the thre options is BackupHub from Atlassian --
It looks trivial to use, but it's not free, and it's very unclear how
much it would cost for sagemath.
The other options involve the GitHub API, which I've used and is
actually really good.

 -- William

William (http://wstein.org)

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