On Wednesday 26 March 2008, Gary Furnish wrote:
> Trac #2436 adds the following algorithms from glib to libcsage:
> Multiplatform threads
> Thread pools
> Asynchronous Queues
> Memory Slices
> Doubly and Singly linked lists
> Queues
> Sequences
> Hash Tables
> Arrays
> Balanced Binary Trees
> N-ary Trees
> Quarks

I am all for that, so +1.

> In particular it features a slab memory allocator based on:
> http://citeseer.ist.psu.edu/bonwick94slab.html
> http://citeseer.ist.psu.edu/bonwick01magazines.html
> The documentation for glib is found at
> http://library.gnome.org/devel/glib/2.14/glib-Memory-Slices.html The files
> are all GPL 2.0 or greater.  Although glib normally has
> extensive dependencies, all of them have been removed, as have parts
> of glib that are not strictly algorithms (such as string parsing).  To
> avoid autoconf/make troubles, the new parallel build system currently
> in experimental testing features a simple, elegant python autoconf
> replacement.  The extra build time for libcsage is minimal, and wall
> time often decreases due to the new parallel build system.  Finally,
> until testing is complete, parallel build and glib are orthogonal and
> can exist in parallel to all existing Sage code, making review
> significantly easier.
> Right now there are no easy to use C libraries included with sage.
> Using c++ stl requires extremely painful Cython wrapping.  Therefore
> everywhere pure performance is needed, ad hoc solutions are often used
> (see integer.pyx, etc), which often introduce subtle and painful
> bugs. 

This was already discussed at


and IMHO the outcome was that it is unclear whether GLIB can improve the 
integer.pyx experience. There is a reason integer.pyx looks like it does 
(avoiding going up the inheritance tree etc.).

> Furthermore there are many places in Sage that could benefit 
> from a unified slab allocator (as opposed to a pool which can only
> grow).  

Sage already ships several Slab allocators: PyMem_Malloc, OMalloc, Givaro's 
slab allocator etc. Sure Sage could use those more but adding another slab 
allocator won't help, unless:
 - it is easier to debug, develop with, enable/disable, etc and/or
 - it offers better performance.


name: Martin Albrecht
_pgp: http://pgp.mit.edu:11371/pks/lookup?op=get&search=0x8EF0DC99
_www: http://www.informatik.uni-bremen.de/~malb

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