On Mar 26, 2008, at 24:27 , mabshoff wrote:
> On Mar 26, 5:45 am, "Justin C. Walker" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> On Mar 25, 2008, at 19:16 , mabshoff wrote:
>>> more GMP trouble. Can you post the output from "uname -r | sed s/9\.
>>> [0-9]\.0/9\.0\.0/" and a "uname -a".
>> $ uname -a
>> Darwin zippo 9.2.2 Darwin Kernel Version 9.2.2: Tue Mar  4 21:17:34
>> PST 2008; root:xnu-1228.4.31~1/RELEASE_I386 i386
>> $ uname -r | sed s/9\.[0-9]\.0/9\.0\.0/
>> 9.2.2
> Ok, this is the culprit. It will need fixes all over the place and
> this time we might as well do it right.

Oh, what the heck.  Do it wrong for a couple of more times :-}

>>> We haven't touched either the GMP nor the FLINT package in a while,
>>> so did you upgrade your OSX or XCode version by any chance?
>> Nope; There hasn't been a (public) update to Xcode for a while.
>>> A third possibility is that FLINT is all the sudden picking up a  
>>> stray
>>> gmp.h. Can you check your system?
>> I have two versions of GMP installed: one I built recently in /usr/
>> local, and one built as part of MacPorts in /opt/local.
>> I moved both out of the way, and rebuilt from scratch: same result.
> Yeah, the culprit is the above regexp. I will fix those before
> 2.11.alpha2. Sorry for the mess. I made this #2672 - a blocker for
> 2.11.

You certainly don't have to apologize.  This is why god invented the  
alpha cycle :-}


Justin C. Walker, Curmudgeon-At-Large, Director
Institute for the Enhancement of the Director's Income
The path of least resistance:
it's not just for electricity any more.

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