On Thu, 2023-06-08 at 14:09 -0700, Matthias Koeppe wrote:
> *D. *As a consequence of B and C, it was *impossible to build or run parts 
> of the Sage library.* And it is *impossible to install the whole Sage 
> library using Python infrastructure* (pip). (Yes, I know that conda exists.)

Of itself, modularization is a noble goal. But in the implementation,
please be wary of focusing on users we don't have at the expense of the
users we do have. The amount of additional complexity and maintenance
this entails is daunting, and your tentative plans for pip packaging
sometimes conflict with common-sense improvements for existing users
and developers, as I've been trying to argue (for the second time) on
issue #32242.

Pip isn't a real build system or package manager. Most egregiously, it
can't do anything with the non-python software on which sage subsists.
To make sage-via-pip work, we'll have to maintain a new pseudo-
distribution on pypi that either ships people pre-built wheels or wraps
autotools/cmake/etc in python. As was made clear in recent threads,
many developers don't want to be maintaining the *first* sage
distribution, much less a second one.

I think we're all happy to modularize so long as it doesn't create work
elsewhere. (At the very least, modularization improves build times.)
But given that you may be the only person who has pip-installablity as
a goal, I think you have to be more sensitive to the complaints when
that goal conflicts with others. Complexity is our biggest problem
right now, and uncompromising modularization is only adding to it.

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