On Friday, June 16, 2023 at 10:18:57 AM UTC+9 Matthias Koeppe wrote:

On Thursday, June 15, 2023 at 6:03:41 PM UTC-7 Travis Scrimshaw wrote:

 Perhaps this is the core question (for me): What do you expect most/casual 
users to download and install?

It may be the wrong question because it seems to assume there is one 
population of such users.

This is an important question because it determines a lot about how we 
package and present the software. If we expect users to be technically 
savvy and tacitly understand they can ignore "# module - sage.*" doctests, 
then we can just go ahead and plaster them everywhere. If we expect people 
to peck at their keyboards with two fingers and copy/paste examples, then 
we should make sure the doc is very clean.

The population of current Sage users and developers can continue to install 
the monolithic Sage. 
Or, in the modularized terminology, they install the distribution 

What is going to be "Sage" then? What is my product to tell people about at 
a SageDays?

But the point why I have been working so intensely on the modularization 
project is to open parts of Sage to new populations of users and developers 
who are at home in the Python world. In particular those who find that they 
cannot use the monolithic Sage for their needs and therefore go looking for 
other projects that do not impose such constraints.

As William said, it could be a magnitude more, but it easily could be 0. 
Yes Sage is a lot to download (although if we cut out the documentation and 
continue to use system packages, I think we cut this down immensely), but 
Sage just exists in its own Python (plus some other stuff) bubble. I have 
some doubts that this will move the needle much at the cost of putting up 
development barriers, or at least increasing the learning curve, for 
non-expert-programmer-mathematicians (I might even put myself in this 

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