On Wednesday 24 January 2024 at 08:22:21 UTC-8 Gareth Ma wrote:

Hi all, my development Sage installation uses the conda instructions here 
There is a command below for how to recompile Cython files:

pip install --no-build-isolation --config-settings editable_mode=compat -v 
-v --editable src

I think with these options, you'd end up with the installed files living 
right in src. Once they're there you can use whatever procedure to rebuild 
them. It may well be that a "make build" with the right environment set up 
does the right thing in the sage library. At that point, "src" could even 
be a git repo. I'm not so sure if dependency/change tracking will still 
work across package boundaries, but getting proper incremental rebuilding 
for sagelib should be attainable (and quite frankly required for a 
conda/pip install to be a viable way for sage development)

I've certainly used "pip --editable" installs for smaller python/cython 
packages and was able to incrementally rebuild on them. The "pip" part is 
to get the files in place and linked up with a python environment. After 
that you're down to the build/make tools coming with the package.

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