Jason Grout wrote:
> Robert Miller wrote:
>> Also try:
>> http://sage.math.washington.edu/home/rlmill/vert_ff9999.png
>> http://sage.math.washington.edu/home/rlmill/vert_ffff99.png
> I like the yellow the best.  Also, I've forwarded these to the student 
> who brought up the issue in the first place and will report back with 
> their answer.

I sent:

Which of the following four images do you like the best for readability? 
  Or do you have a different default color for vertices that you would 




The student responded thusly:

I looked at them and like the yellow the best, but think anyone like myself
would be fine with any of the three (though the last is a little dull 
:)).  I
can say that a little color is helpful because it helps to distinguish the
inside of the circle (vertex) from the outside.  This might sounds 
strange but
the world close up looks very different.

Thanks for looking into this more

Thanks, Jason

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