On Mon, Feb 26, 2024 at 9:59 PM Matthias Koeppe <matthiaskoe...@gmail.com>

> On Monday, February 26, 2024 at 9:43:18 AM UTC-8 Vincent Delecroix wrote:
> let me do a proposal.
> Introduce a new label distinct from "blocker" for
> usage 2: PRs that should be merged temporarily before CI tests run
> For reference, this proposal is the same as
> https://github.com/sagemath/sage/issues/37428
> I don't have a strict objection to it.
> But let me take this opportunity to share a bit of background on this
> mechanism, which I introduced in
> https://github.com/sagemath/sage/pull/36338, and the design choice to
> reuse the "blocker" label for it.
> (So far this workflow feature has only been documented in
> https://github.com/sagemath/sage/wiki/Sage-10.2-Release-Tour#open-blocker-prs-are-applied-automatically-in-ci-workflows
> and a change to it in
> https://github.com/sagemath/sage/wiki/Sage-10.3-Release-Tour#customizing-gh-actions-workflows-in-forked-repositories
> )
> That we use this rather unusual mechanism is, of course, mostly a
> workaround for idiosyncracies in our procedures regarding (1) how we use
> the Sage repository and (2) how we make releases (this is documented in
> https://doc.sagemath.org/html/en/developer/review.html#the-release-process;
> but some of it needs updating).
> Some of the relevant facts about our procedures:
> - Currently, only the Release Manager (Volker) pushes to the "develop"
> branch of our repository, and does so only when development releases
> (beta/rc/stable) are tagged.
> - Betas are tagged on a roughly weekly cadence (sometimes slower), rcs
> sometimes on a faster cadence.
> - Outside of the release candidate stage, the priority labels including
> "blocker" have no influence on when a PR is merged.
> - Within the release candidate stage, the Release Manager will only merge
> (positively reviewed) PRs with the "blocker" prority.
> - When a merge conflict arises, the Release Manager will set the PR to
> "needs work"; developers usually wait for the next development release to
> discover and resolve the merge conflict.
> Why I reused the "blocker" priority for the "CI fixes" mechanism:
> - *Outside of the release candidate stage,* there was relatively little
> use of the "blocker" label, simply because it is of little consequence.
> - *Within the release candidate stage,* developers who mark a PR as a
> "blocker" so that it be merged in the upcoming stable release need to know
> whether their blocker PR will be conflicting with other blockers (=
> candidates for merging in the next rc). Having the "blocker" label double
> as the "CI fixes" trigger takes care of this.
> I'll note that some of this touches matters of governance of the project
> as well, a broader discussion of which would be timely.

A broader discussion on the governance is long overdue. We have a number of
pending proposals to vote on,
but somehow nobody dares to break the filibuster from certain sides.

In particular, the question of allowing (allowing! allowing! - not
requiring!) standard packages to be pip packages is pending.

We cannot get through a straightforward PR renaming install-requires.txt
files to something more meaningful,
and standard, as the author keeps coming up with objections to the most
reasonable choice, renaming them to
requirements.txt (format and semantics of install-requires.txt and
requirements.txt - which is the standard name - are pretty much the same).

Some users positively review their own PRs, consisting of cherry-picked
commits from PRs of other users they declare "disputed", as if it's an
acceptable practice.
See https://github.com/sagemath/sage/pull/37482

Users get banned from even commenting on some PRs, without any
notification. This has to stop, it's not the way to ensure any kind of
normality - to the contrary, it's a sure way to hell.
E.g. my attempt to comment that the latest meson is 1.3.2 on
results in "There was a problem submitting your review". WTF, really?
If someone wants to ban me, it has to be done directly, not in a such
sneaky way.
I wanted to comment on https://github.com/sagemath/sage/pull/37482 that it
has to be reviewed in a normal way, but no, I can't, just in the same way
as on #37319


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