>For example, is the fact that GCL doesn't build for us anywhere, something
>that you think we'll get passed by just trying harder?  Or is it going
>to be really really hard.


All versions are built with GCL. I do not have access to a Sparc
although GCL has run there in the past. I no longer have access
to my Zaurus although GCL has run there in the past. I do have
access to an OLPC-XO. I release Axiom every two months so I'm
likely to get it working in the next release cycle.

GCL runs on windows although I have not spent any time on a 
windows port. Waldek has, so he might have an opinion. Given
what I know about GCL internals I have every reason to believe
that it would compile using MS or Borland compilers (modulo a
few #ifdefs to pay homage to C). I don't have access to a native
C compiler for windows.

GCL is just a (big) C program and like every other C program I've
ever used, it is <sarcasm lang="C">easily ported</scarcasm>. But
the actual fact of the matter is that it does run everywhere I've
ever tried to make it run. All it requires is the right set of
./configure switches. My collection above includes, I86-32, 
I86-64, and PowerPC.

> The GCL-devel mailing list has on average about 5-6 messages a month
> during the last couple of months, except for a bunch of messages in
> January about people trying to build GCL from cvs.

You claim that you pass problem reports upstream but I don't see many
Sage postings to the GCL mailing list. Camm, the GCL maintainer, has
always been very responsive and effective in his replies. But, like
you, he needs good, clear, effective bug reports.

I think you'd feel the same frustrations with Python if you compiled
Python from scratch for every platform. You ship "sources" but assume
that the python language exists and is compatible, which is not likely
to be the case when 3.0 arrives. If you can assume the python language,
why can't you assume the lisp language? If you can't assume the lisp
language, why can you assume the python language? 

Having spent a fair portion of my life porting software, I understand
the frustrations you feel. And having spent the bulk of my life using
Lisp I "get" the get-rid-of-lisp pushback. But a lot of astonishingly
good computer algebra exists in lisp (we won't discuss the reasons).
Reproducing Axiom's "million-things-of-code" in Python would be no
small task, especially since some of the experts are dead.


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