William Stein wrote:
> On Thu, May 1, 2008 at 4:05 PM, Robert Bradshaw
> <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>  On May 1, 2008, at 2:51 PM, William Stein wrote:
>>  > Hi,
>>  >
>>  > I wrote a new version of my ISSAC talk abstract.  What do you think:
>>  >
>>  > http://sage.math.washington.edu/home/was/tmp/abstract.pdf
>>  I think the previous abstract (version 2) is much better--this
>>  abstract seems more a reaction to the recent threads on sage-devel
> Thanks for your patience with my experiments.  Please see abstract number 3:
>     http://sage.math.washington.edu/home/was/tmp/abstract3.pdf
> Let me know what you think.    It will probably piss off everybody, but
> I guarantee you it is the most honest thing I've ever written about Sage.

I finally got a few minutes to read one of your abstracts.  I know 
nothing of the ISAAC attendees other than what's been said here, so I'll 
let others comment on the appropriateness more fully.  Overall, I 
thought it sounded interesting, but was too informal and "I"-focused for 
a conference talk, but it made for an interesting read for me, someone 
already interested in Sage.

Some grammar nitpicks (I hope this isn't a case of premature 
optimization/nitpicking here):

paragraph 2: far far -> far (it sounds better with just one far.)

paragraph 3: tallented -> talented
guys -> maybe something just a tad bit more formal?
... -> . (cut the ellipsis)

paragraph 5: and in November -> In November (start new sentence)

list: second item should be singular "a set of interfaces" to be 
consistent with the other items

next paragraph: delete "ever" (it reads better)

second to last paragraph: combining -> combine
* delete the remark to OpenMath; no need to say what we don't have and 
don't plan to incorporate
* range of programs are tied -> range of programs is tied
* you use pseudo-tty and pseudotty; change one to be consistent
* others -> other
* anywhere from -> from anywhere

Wow, that last paragraph was rather bold and I'd probably reword it, but 
you've heard enough advice to do that :).  At the very least, I would 
change "need" to "want" and delete the "drop everything" phrase.


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