Hello Sage folks, as promised in my last website posting [1], here a
bit more how things evolved.

First, since there is some tracking going on, and I have a bit more
than two weeks to compare, I can make some trends and analysis.
The first thing is, that the visitors come and go very stable. During
work-days 850-1050 visits. On weekends around 600. (Here, visits are
unique computers, old ones and new ones together)
Then, just counting unique new visitors (they were never before on the
page) there are about 750-800 on weekdays and nearly 500 on weekends.
Conclusion, a lot of new visitors, and those who visit regularly have
a nice weekend ;)
Comparing both weeks, ~3% more visits, a bit less page views and 8%
less new visitors.

The pages itself, the front-page is the same, but now download is up
to rank 2, and tour down to rank 3. (38%, 13%, 11%)
Then help (4.5%) and tour-quickstart (4%).

Now the more interesting things, sources:
34% from other websites and 31% search engines

other websites:

macupdate.com   + 270% (!!) = 179 visits
en.wikipedia.org   + 5% = 153 v.
linuxappfinder.com  +231% = 106 v.
macresearch.org    -42%  (<- would be interesting to know why, maybe
no longer a new link)
stumbleupon.com -50%
aur.archlinux.org + 117% (also interesting)
fr.wikipedia.org + 425% (but that's already very low ... 4 visits up
to 21 visits)

+100% equals 2x the number of referring pages

Since this may not work very accurate at all, relative trends are ok.
This just tells me, that there are still no really big sites linking
to sage. We will see ...

search engines:

google - constant - 1800 visits from there
yahoo 35
the others are <10
so, google is really really important!

something funny: type in "open source mathematica" in google.com and
hit "i'm feeling lucky"...
"open source maths software" works, too. but not without the "s" ;)

what has changed?

* I made a call for success stories [2] - still open! - see [3]

* the mirror "system" is redone. now, there is one central page
www.sagemath.org and helpful servers mirroring files. They are
currently very big, but this will reduce down to the important files.
There is now a page to check the mirror status, too. [4]
Keep in mind that this is not the final list, there will be changes
and they should be sorted by continent.

* more text on the tour.html page

* many many small edits ...


[1] http://groups.google.com/group/sage-devel/msg/c610d318f86d5ddf
[2] http://groups.google.com/group/sage-devel/browse_frm/thread/efb05c839032803e
[3] http://www.sagemath.org/library/stories.html
[4] http://www.sagemath.org/mirrors.html

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