Igor's sliders for 2d plots look good.  Some other random notebook
ideas I had (that i don't expect to be implemented anytime soon, but i
think are worth writing down somewhere):

Is it possible to put all output (and input?) cells in some css (html/
whatever, i dont know anything about web pages) component that can be
collapsed/expanded? (I am thinking of the way mathematica has those
lines brackets to the right of its notebook, though those are kind of
confusing, a regular plus sign widget would be fine).  That would be
nice for long notebooks-- you can collapse the parts you arent working

It would also be nice if jmol applets didn't have to load
automatically when opening a notebook which has them previously
running (it makes the notebook take forever to load), or adding an
option to control this.  And has anyone asked the jmol creator if he
can add some flag to the applet that will strip out all the chemistry
options in the right-click menu?

Also I am finding that editing large cells (say > 50 lines?) gets kind
of slow (on my p4 2ghz 1gb ram) and that breaking it up into multiple
cells improves this quite a bit.  If this is a simple bug it would be
nice to fix.

Lastly, would it be possible to do 'load ../05/worksheet.txt' so that
I can use methods i wrote in another worksheet in my current one? Or
to have a common data directory that all worksheets can access?

On Jul 19, 10:10 am, "William Stein" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi,
> All the students working fulltime on Sage this summer for me are blogging 
> about
> their work.  I've put links to all their blogs here:
>            http://wiki.wstein.org/2008/summer/employ
> Feel free to read them, give feedback, etc.
> William
> --
> William Stein
> Associate Professor of Mathematics
> University of Washingtonhttp://wstein.org
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