On Aug 25, 11:50 pm, "Ondrej Certik" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:


> >>> I think it's just about getting people to fix it. There are many
> >>> people around who can fix Python/Cython and a little less (I guess)
> >>> who can fix C++ and C. But a lot less who can fix lisp.
> > As I mentioned before, another big
> > problem is that lisp doesn't manipulate native Python objects efficiently.
> > Python *is* just a C library -- Python and C/C++ play very well together,
> > especially because of Cython.  The same is not the case with lisp/maxima.
> Actually, I think even just couple years ago, even though Python was
> written in C, it was a *pain* to call it from C easily. Yes, a lot of
> people did it, but it was a pain. Maybe that's the situation in lisp,
> surely some implementation is written in C

*Every* lisp implementation I am aware of is written in C, some have
some assembly added on top to speed some things up. The Lisp machine
as hardware died in the early nineties IIRC and it does not look like
it will make a comeback anytime soon.  Check out


for a decent primer on lisp machines.

>  and maybe it's possible to
> call it from C (and pass pointers around). But imho noone is seriously
> using it.

ecl does that well, but we are only slowly getting to the point where
we can switch to ecl in Sage. We finally upgraded to Maxima 5.16.2 in
3.1.2.alpha1. I did not want to switch Maxima releases and lisps in
the same release, so we will see the ecl switch in Sage 3.2 hopefully.

> In Python all of this has changed due to Cython, that many many people
> use in production now, so again, big thanks to the whole Sage
> community who helped to bring pyrex to production.

Well, Sage developers like Python, Cython and C while Maxima
developers like lisp (at least for the low level stuff) - so we are
having self selecting groups here. It is the best tool for the job,
but also the devil you know, so I don't see big changes here in the

> Ondrej


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