Hi again,

to sum up the two days i spent at the Maths' Teachers' Summer School,
i must say that my presentation of Sage produced mainly two reactions
(understand : AND, not XOR) :
** real interest in the Software because of it's potentialities.
People were willing to use it.
** real need of tutorials and ready to use worksheet with well
documented "used case".

Here are some of the fonctionalities that are asked for :

** Help page in french, and of different/selectable level
** the possibility of restricting available commands (for use in
classroom) (some kind of 'profile')
** real CMS functionality (why doesn't Sage use Zope as a whole ? ZODB
are fine but Zope would nicely manage authentication, roles,
templating, etc)
** a 3D animation module
** some type issues are hard to understand for beginners (a command
giving back a float not considered as a Sage Real, etc...). It is hard
to get a complete view of the types used by Sage and "what goes where
and when"
** Definitely, a rich tutorials site in french, with step by step
explainations for on topic at a time.

For that last point, i believe it would be nice to have a script that
transforms a worksheet into an HTML document, not using any Table
layout but structured in such a way that it would be possible (with
CSS rules) to fix a two column presentation (as in the quicktour part
of sagemath.org) or a one column presentation.

Some people asked me if Sage would include GIAC. I'll read all the
thread about GIAC on this list before saying more.

Last but not least : most people were impressed by the quality of
conception and the vast amount of maths topics covered by Sage.
That's because of YOU.

I thank you in there name.


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