Ok, thanks to Ivan who did upload some patches to trac 3.3.alpha5 out
in a couple hours will create a Sage app if you run -bdist. Check out
a screenshot of it in action at


It is based on Sage 3.3.alpha0 since I did no feel like hosing my
current alpha4 build, but it works very well. Note that a couple
things need to be fixed, but that will be done later. Another issue is
that we should create the app without having to run bdist since that
takes rather long. In the png you can see the console of the current
output from the notebook, the about Sage dialog and the icon. All in
all very smooth and certainly a giant improvement in usability if you
ask me.

So thanks to Karl-Dieter and Ivan for finally makeing this a reality
since we have been talking about this since ye old Sage 2.5 at least
when I posted some crummy manually assembled app.


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