Hello folks,

alpha6 is nearly there, but Carl Witty found a whopping show stopper
bug, i.e. #5198 that needs review. While waiting on that one and a
couple other tickets to get reviewed I also checked the status of
various other patches in the review pipeline.


#4752 ([with patch; needs review] list_plot3d crashes sage with some
exact input)
#5198 ([with patch, needs review] apply_map skips zeroes in sparse
vectors and matrices

The following patches seem worthy of an attempt to get them into 3.3,
i.e. they are small and fix one specific issue:

#797 ([with patch, needs review] %timeit on command line doesn't
recognize [1..10] syntax) [this one has an suggestion to implement it
differently, so it might be too late for 3.3]
#2129 ([with patch; needs review] implement "sage -t" for .spyx files
#2898 ([with patch, needs review] Coerce integral float and RDF to
Integers [the main problem here is that we need someone to sign off on
changes to a few lines changed in free_modules.pyx]
#4898 ([with patch; needs review] Add style and labels to contour_plot
#5104 ([with patch, needs review] setup.py dependency checking issues
#5106 ([with patch, needs review] preparse bug with time and generator
assignment naming
#5142 ([with patch, needs review] speed up elementary_divisors for
sparse integer matrices?)
#5185 ([with patch, needs review] is_zero is broken for sparse
#5199 ([with patch, needs review] new symbolics can treat floats as
integers inappropriately

Another nice patch is

#5180 ([with patch, needs review] Improvements to congruence

but it is rather large.

The patch at

#5159 ([with patch, needs review] Add functionality to Galois groups)

raised some design issues in sage-nt, so it might be too early to get
it in.

If you are the author of any of the above patches feel free to ping a
qualified reviewer off list and ask for a review.



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