I think Nathann Cohen has done a very valuable service with the GLPK and
COIN-OR-related packages.

That said, I have a "point of order" question. Is is true or false that the
process for a package to become standard we
(1) use trac to do nomination, testing, and acceptance as an optional
(2) someone (William say) posts the spkg to
(3) after a period of a few months, voting is done for making it standard.

In any case, I vote +1 for Nathann's GLPK spkg being moved to optional
and the currently posted GLPK spkg on experimental removed, with the
idea that it be proposed for inclusion as a standard package.

If the above process is correct then there is nothing more to say.
If not, I think  someone (not me) look into this PyGLPK (I am
not an OR person and have never heard of this before). By
compare, I mean, look at the license, compare Nathann's wrappers and
docstrings to PyGLPK's, etc. Maybe there are other wrappers
on the internet (I have not done a google search, just mentioning
possibilities here.)

On Sat, Aug 1, 2009 at 8:55 AM, Robert<m...@rschwarz.net> wrote:
> I'd like LPs, too, of course.
> By the way, do you know of the project http://pymprog.sourceforge.net/
> that wraps GLPK with it's modelling language in python? Using PyGLPK,
> as an additional layer, I'm pretty sure there is some relevant code
> there.
> On Aug 1, 12:46 pm, Carlo Hamalainen <carlo.hamalai...@gmail.com>
> wrote:
>> On Sat, Aug 1, 2009 at 9:41 AM, Nathann Cohen<nathann.co...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> > Are you interested by LP features in Sage with GLPK as the native
>> > solver ? ( The others would have to be optional packages but we
>> > thought it would be smart to have a native one ).
>> Yes, especially if it can be used to speed up the graph colouring code
>> in some cases (at the moment it uses my C++ dlx solver but I'm sure
>> that LP etc could be useful in some other cases).
>> --
>> Carlo Hamalainenhttp://carlo-hamalainen.net
> >

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