Hi folks,

The source of Sage 4.1.1 has been mirrored out. Now is the time to
polish up the release tour and showcase features in 4.1.1. I have
created a general structure of the release tour at


with tickets that I think are good for a release tour. But if I've
missed something, you might want to check out all the closed ticket in
this release at


Why showcase your features? Because users get to know about the latest
features in Sage 4.1.1 straight from the people who implemented them.
Rob Beezer and Franco Saliola wrote about their features in Sage 4.1
for the previous release tour at


The busiest day for that release tour was Tuesday 14th July 2009, with
1,195 visits and made it into one of the top posts of the day:


So by arguing by statistical correlation, the more people who
contribute to writing the release tour, the more viewers there would
be of the release tour :-)

Minh Van Nguyen

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