I updated the jmol spkg to 11.8.6 at #7003 (ready for review!).  Here 
are some new things since the current version of jmol we have in Sage. 
I post this here because some people might be interested in 
exposing/using some of these in Sage:

These come from: http://chemapps.stolaf.edu/jmol/docs/examples-11/new8.htm

48. unit cell coordinates
Jmol 11.7.37 introduces coordinate transformation functions .fxyz, 
.uxyz, and .xyz, and coordinate functions .ux, .uy, and .uz. The u-based 
functions allow selecting atoms and specifying coordinates based on unit 
cell coordinates within the range [0,1). The .xyz function now can be 
used to transform a fractional coordinate in decimal, {0.5, 1, 1} for 
instance, to Cartesian coordinates. The unit cell used for the .xyz 
function is the one currently set using unitcell nnn.

74. draw ARC
Jmol 11.7.47 allows drawing of arcs in 3D based on center position and 
either a defined axis point or a plane. The default scale is an overall 
diameter (SCALE) of 1.0 Angstrom and a line diameter (DIAMETER) of 0.1 

80. VRML and X3D support
Jmol 11.8.1 adds nearly full VRML and X3D support. Caveates include: no 
label backgrounds, no background image, label sizes are approximations, 
no ellipsoid quadrant cutouts, and slightly irregular trace when 
displayed with a very small diameter

45. Jmol and Flot
See jmol-flot.htm and jmol-flot-energy.htm for an interesting way to get 
graphical output from Jmol in an easily programmable way using Flot. The 
files used for this are in the flot subdirectory. Note that I did need 
to adapt the jquery.flot.js a bit to do the sort of plotting I was 
interested in. I added axes.majorTicks for the bold lines in the 
Ramachandran plot, added an options.grid.hoverDelay variable, and also 
added a selection.hoverMode option to allow hovering over a vertical 
stripe, not just a point. Note how the callbacks from Flot are used to 
highlight groups on the structure. This little experiment shows that we 
have a bit of work to do on straightness. We are working on that and may 
end up modifying the straightness(c) definition, as it seems to be off 
by one residue in comparison to DSSP (plot straightness(c) or 
straightness(p) and structure to see how that works).

33. isosurface OBJ "filename"
# Jmol 11.7.27 adds the capability to read surfaces of the Wavefront OBJ 
type. Only the vertex, group, and face records are used. The group 
records define sets of faces that can be loaded selectively using an 
integer after the filename. In addition, if the group name is of the 
form "g kRRGGBB", then RRGGBB is interpreted as a hexidecimal color key. 
The generated isosurface may be saved as a JVXL file using a new 
extension of that format that allows compression of face-color data. The 
surfaces may also be mapped or recolored in a solid color as can any 
other surface. Future versions of Jmol may utilize the Material (.mtl) 
file associated with these objects to better specify color. zap;center 
{105 45 0};isosurface OBJ "sample.obj";set antialiasdisplay true
# isosurface OBJ "sample.obj" 2
# isosurface OBJ "sample.obj" 3
# isosurface OBJ "sample.obj" 4

Jmol 11.7.27 adds contour lines for mapped data. Hovering over these 
lines displays the value of the mapped function at this point. The 
default is 10 contour lines.

2. draw LINE {pt1} {pt2} {pt3} ...
Jmol 11.7.1 introduces the LINE keyword for the draw command. Line 
segments are drawn from point to point for a series of points.


Jason Grout

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