On Sep 24, 3:39 pm, Michael Brickenstein <brickenst...@mfo.de> wrote:
> Hi!
> On 23 Sep., 11:07, mmarco <mma...@unizar.es> wrote:
> > I have to do some computations in an exterior algebra, and i have seen
> > that it is not yet implemented in sage, but there is some work in that
> > direction. My question is: will this feature be implemented in sage
> > 4.1.2? If so, how complete will it be?.
> We have some ambitious plans for the week. I guess, as usually, the
> first version will not be complete. But we hope, to do the basic setup
> clean and to provide a clear way, how to add the missing pieces.
> Of course, we would welcome every help.

I'm also interested in exterior algebras, as well as Clifford algebra.
During Sage Days 10, I did a little work to try to integrate my GluCat
library ( http://glucat.sf.net ) into Sage, but only got as far as
having a working Cython interface ( http://wiki.sagemath.org/days10/CodingSprint
). What was missing was integration into the coercion system (
http://www.sagemath.org/doc/reference/coercion.html ). If/when you do
have exterior and Clifford algebras working, I'd very much like to
understand your coercion model. My model would have each Clifford
algebra R_{p,q} behave as if it was a subalgebra of the infinite
dimensional algebra R_{\infty,\infty}, and would have canonical
isomorphisms between R_{0,0} and R, R_{0,1} and C, and R_{0,2} and H.
Best, Paul

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