On Sat, Oct 17, 2009 at 12:20 AM, Rob Beezer <goo...@beezer.cotse.net> wrote:
> Thanks for the info, David.  I'd been looking at
> http://shell.cas.usf.edu/~eclark/algctlg/small_groups.html
> which appears quite similar.

The story is this: I had a page, like Clark's but over a smaller range
and with a bit
less info about each group, derived form the Thomas+Wood book. Then I discovered
Clark's page and emailed around trying to find out if I could combine
them. Clark has
disappeared and the webmaster maintaining the page indicated it was now the
University's property and that could combine the two. Actually, both mine and
Clark's are simply a recitation of well-known facts in an unoriginal
format, so I
don't think copyright is an issue. In fact, my plan was to write a
Sage script to
generate the data. I ran out of gas. If/when I teach a course on group
theory again,
I'll return to it.

> I believe I've got a permutation representation of the dicyclic group
> of order 4m in the symmetric group on m+4 symbols.  But the group must
> have an element of order 4, so it won't build the KleinFourGroup when
> m=1.
> I may be tempted to do some more work on permgroup_named.py once I'm
> done with this - thanks for all your work getting those constructions
> together.
> Rob
> >

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