On Dec 15, 10:16 am, William Stein <wst...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi,
> It has been brought to my attention that many docstrings in Sage do
> not explicitly and clearly list their input and output in INPUT: and
> OUTPUT: blocks.   There are only 2711 OUTPUT blocks and 4371 INPUT
> blocks in sage-4.3:
>    wst...@sage:~/build/sage-4.3.rc0$ ./sage -grep "output:" |wc -l
>    2711
>    wst...@sage:~/build/sage-4.3.rc0$ ./sage -grep "input:" |wc -l
>    4371
> However, there are 23706 functions (80.7% of which have doctests).
> So only an average of just over 10% document their output and about
> 20% document their input.  This is evidently very frustrating for some
> users of other Ma's (such as Magma), where the inputs and outputs of
> all functions are clearly documented.

(Some of these have no inputs except for "self", right?  So 10% is a
bit low, because I don't think we need to list "self" as an input each

> INPUT/OUTPUT blocks are required according to the developer's guide:
>      http://sagemath.org/doc/developer/conventions.html#documentation-strings

You can also use Sphinx/reST markup for this, described in the same
place.  Here is an example of how that looks:



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