On May 10, 2:27 pm, Tim Joseph Dumol <t...@timdumol.com> wrote:
> Hi,
> The latest sagenb package is included in Sage 4.4.1 (sagenb-0.8.p0.spkg).
> Then, extract and install it, then develop as usual.
> $ tar -xvf sagenb-0.8.p0.splg
> $ cd sagenb-0.8.p0/src/sagenb/
> $ sage -python setup.py install && sage -python setup.py develop
> `setup.py develop` allows you to develop on the package without needing to
> reinstall the package or rebuild Sage.

How hard would it be to make this part of the spkg-install or
something so that one could create an hg_sagenb (similar to
hg_scripts, hg_sage) that anyone who built from source could develop
on without further fuss and muss?  (I'm pretty sure that once the spkg
is actually available, it's quite easy to modify the hg_foo methods to
do whatever directory you want.)

- kcrisman

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