Hi alltogether,
On Sage Days 24 in Linz we finished the integration of the Plural,
which is the noncommutative part of Singular:

During SD10 in Nancy, Michael Brickenstein and Burcin Erocal started
working on making Plural  (the non-commutative extension of Singular)
accessible from Sage.
Oleksandr Motsak and Alexander Dreyer continued this work at SD 24 in

 Newest functionality:
  * coercion from basering/Integer types (still needs tests)
  * flag to check degeneracy conditions on init
  * relations for non-commutative rings
  * most relevant functions for rings/polynomials/ideals (mostly
 from MPolynomialRing_libsingular/MPolynomialRing_libsingular/...)
    e.g. std/twostd/syzygy_module/lc/lm/lt/monomial operations
  * RingWrap and TermOrder were extended
  * quick and dirty conversion of RingWrap to Sage rings (needs some
 as the resulting rings may not be unique and therefore may confuse
  * quotient of a non-commutative ring by a two-sided Groebner basis
  * shortcut to create graded commutative algebras: SCA

One this extension is approved, we should discuss about syntax issues
and related stuff for non-commutative elements.

Best regards,
  Oleksandr and Alexander

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