And a last one, with dynamic programming from top to bottom...

def is_zk_bis(a):
    if is_prime(a): return False
    d = divisors(a)
    s = sum(d)
    if s & 1 or s < 2*a:
        return False
    target = s//2 - a
    if target < 2 : return True
    d = [i for i in d if i <= target]
    m_ = {}
    def m(i, w):
        if w == 0: return 0
        if i == 0: return 0
        if (i, w) in m_:
            return m_[i, w]
        res = m(i - 1, w)
        di = d[i-1]
        if di <= w:
            res = max(res, m(i - 1, w - di) + di)
        m_[i, w] = res
        return res
    res = m(len(d), target)
    return res == target

faster sometimes:
sage: time is_zk_cython(12345792)
CPU times: user 3.31 s, sys: 0.01 s, total: 3.32 s
Wall time: 3.34 s
sage: time is_zk_bis(12345792)
CPU times: user 0.70 s, sys: 0.01 s, total: 0.71 s
Wall time: 0.72 s

but not in general:
sage: time r = [is_zk_cython(i) for i in range(10000, 11000)]
CPU times: user 0.62 s, sys: 0.00 s, total: 0.62 s
Wall time: 0.62 s
sage: time r = [is_zk_bis(i) for i in range(10000, 11000)]
CPU times: user 35.92 s, sys: 0.00 s, total: 35.92 s
Wall time: 35.92 s

On Aug 4, 2:34 am, mda_ <> wrote:
> Wow, thanks.  I didn't see your post just as I sent my retraction.
> I'll definitely play with this some tonight.  I'm going to calculate
> very far, then do an intersection with is_squarefree() just out of
> curiousity.
> On Aug 3, 5:26 pm, YannLC <> wrote:
> > Here is a cython version suitable only for ints.
> > [...]

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