On Oct 22, 3:52 am, mmarco <mma...@unizar.es> wrote:
> I have observed the following behaviour:
> sage: var('a,b,c,d,r,s,t,x,y')
> sage: assume(s,'real')

Can you construct a simpler example which still exhibits this
behavior?  That might help a little.

> All the stuff about real_part(s) and imag_part(s) should not appear.
> Is it broken?

I don't know that it's more broken than before, but it's possible that
our assumption system hasn't told Maxima in this case to assume s is
real for purposes of the real_part function, or that Maxima ignores
this.   As I say above, a simpler example would be easier to try in
"pure" Maxima and to see what happens there if one assumes s is real.

- kcrisman

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