Dear all,
my apologies for an off-topic posting, but this is relevant to the
survival of Sage-related (and Pure Maths in general) research in one
academic institution....

My University (mostly Engineering)  is in the midst of changing its
tenure and promotion requirements, and is currently inclined to impose
the same blanket tenure requirements on Engineering, Science, and
Maths faculty alike.
One of the requirements is being the principal investigator on a large
(US$150K or more?)
grant. Another requirement for tenure is to graduate at least one PhD
student, and for Full Prof. promotion to graduate at least five PhD
Needless to say, this makes Maths, in particular Pure Maths,  horribly
disadvantaged, and would effectively kill tenure chances for me and
quite a number of my colleagues.
I was asked by my Head of Division (and Head of School) to help to dig
up any relevant information on such requirements at universities with
a tenure system across the world, so that we can build up our case for
these requirements to be in line with the worldwide practice.

If you are familiar with tenure and promotion policies at your
university, and can provide me with data on how this is treated in
your university, please send me an email.

Many thanks in advance,
Dmitrii Pasechnik

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